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Ali, Aaron and Davids blogs.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


The lack of risk planning

Realtime World (creator of Crackdown) went into administration this year, why? Because they released APB, a 5 year game project that lacked interest. The game was not the problem, it lacked interest however the reason APB was the death of Realtime is the lack of risk planning.
The company created a 5 year planning project on the development of the game but what they failed to do was a risk analysis, what if the game fails? This is the question that should have been asked and that is why Realtime collapsed and why we got a crap Crackdown 2 from Ruffian Games.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Wallace and Gromit

Wallace and Gromit is the greatest thing that has ever happened to tv, it has everything that pleases the inner child in every person. as well as the cutest animals i have ever seen + its based in WIGAN. cant wait to find out if they will ever make more god knows that they should.

Team work equals success.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Why the Wii is the best console!

5 reasons why the Wii is the best console:
1. Its cheap, only £119 compared to the best versions of the PS3 & 360 which are around £250 :O
2. Motion sensor remotes - first in the industry and they work like a dream.............kind of
3. The best games are on the Wii: "Nintendogs", "My horse and me" and "chicken shoot" :O
4. The best online service ever; access the interent and easly play with friends, all in 480p :O (and its free)
5. Its now in RED :O

and thats why the Wii rules all (Ali)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Why do people still play COD

Cod has been a popular game now for the past 7 years, every year the same cod has been released. Yes every time there is a new explosion and they find away to implement another English character to make it seem like American aint glory hogs, but i just dont see the attraction any more. When i first started playing games, fps always existed me but now well. Why can infinity wart or triark just say you know what, we have cover nearly every single war, be-littled every nation on earth. why cant we create a game that is directed towards aliens or fictional races so people dont get insulted, and give people a brake from slaving themselves in-front of a tv screen.

why cant repetitive game developers just say that's enough lets move on......

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Team work at its finest (ps don't take the bus)

project management

Project management can be used in all kind of way. One way can be to create videos and post them on sites like youtube. Some people use project managment to make videos of games like Cod 6 sniping montages;
1st collect videos of you sniping
2nd edit them into an order
3rd edit so the quality is of a high standard
4th post and monitor so people can view and get ideas.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

gantt chart

just a little gantt chart we created showing our planning of time for each assessment in the course. its a draft.

First impressions of Black Ops (if you really care)

After a few hours of Black Ops i was fairly disappointed, the game is a lot of fun but just doesn't offer anything new to the gameplay. Killsteaks, Perks and weapons are all far too familiar, the game just feels like Modern Warfare 2 but with a new costume on, black ops is more like a DLC then a new game. The wager matches are a lot of fun to play and the COD points system is nice new feature but these new ideas don't affect the gameplay which is where the game is at fault for me. If you've not played MW2 or have £40 to waste then buy it other wise its a miss from me. Shame.